
5089 Johnstown Rd New Albany OH 43054 US

Our goal is for our students to develop a deep and lasting sense of Jewish identity and connection to religious tradition, the Hebrew language and Jewish culture. Our teachers and madrichim (aides) are knowledgeable, warm, accepting and a lot of fun. If you are looking for a Religious School in which your child will learn how to live life through a Jewish lens, learn valuable skills such as Hebrew reading and writing, and have a great time doing it - look no further!

2024-25 Registration is open! Log into ShulCloud to enroll your child(ren)!​

Connect with Our Staff:

Rabbi Lenette Goldman
Associate Rabbi & Director of Education 

Rabbi Benjy Bar- Lev
Senior Rabbi

Angelo Dunlap
Teen Program Educator

​First Aliyah: B'nai Mitzvah Program at TBS

A 13-year-old child's First Aliyah to the Torah is a life-changing event. Here at Temple Beth Shalom, through close one-on-one preparation with our rabbis and tutors, each child has the opportunity to lead the congregation in prayer, chant Torah and Haftarah , and personally connect with the Torah text in writing a speech or D'var TorahFirst Aliyah (B'nai Mitzvah) ceremonies at TBS are  personalized, family oriented and inclusive.


Preschool Program

​Several times year, our youngest students (ages 2-4) and their parents are invited to attend Religious School for an engaging program, either for Tot Shabbat at TBS or on Sunday mornings with Kindergarten. Please reach out if you are interested in learning more!

Chugim (Activities)

Each Sunday, all 3rd-7th graders end the day with a free-choice chug, or activity. This allows students to interact with Judaism in new and creative ways, while also developing relationships with peers in different grades.

Some popular chugim include: Jewish Yoga, Mural Making, Jewish Movie Making, Jewish Improv, Let's Learn Yiddish, Jewish Comedians, Jewish Creative Writing, and Judaic Mosaic.

Madrichim (High School Aides)

The vast majority of our 8th-12th grade students also are Madrichim, or Teachers Aides. Madrichim help teach in classrooms, help individual students with Hebrew, and are terrific role models for younger students.

Teen Program

We are excited to introduce a revamped Teen Program with our 8th-12th graders that will include trips and guest speakers. Stay tuned for more! 

Youth Groups

Throughout the year, students can engage in fun social activities after Religious School to develop stronger bonds with their peers! (Students do not need to be enrolled in RS to participate.) Our Youth Groups are Chaverim (3rd-4th grades), Gesher (5th-7th grades),and BeSTY  (8th-12th grades). Additionally, the three Reform high school Youth Groups collaborate on teen activities and programs throughout the year. 

Some activities include:

  • Summer trip to Cedar Point
  • Planning the Purim Carnival
  • Visits to trampoline parks, bowling, COSI, Franklin Park Conservatory, Top Golf, and more!
  • Social action / community service programs


Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade

Our youngest students establish a foundation of Jewish learning at TBS Religious School. They learn about the Torah, Jewish holidays, Jewish music and dance. They hear stories, create magnificent art projects, and have fun the whole time!

Hebrew School: 3rd - 6th Grade

Hebrew at TBS Religious School is an engaging, interactive experience that gives students the tools to read & write Hebrew in preparation for B'nai Mitzvah (see right column), as well as a connection to Hebrew as a connective language to our past and Jewish people around the world. Learn more about our Small Group Hebrew Program here!

3rd - 7th Grade

Our 3rd-7th grade students spend time learning creatively about Jewish stories, values, holidays, and more! Some highlights include:

  • 4th Graders learn about lifecycle events in a special curriculum taught by veteran teachers
  • 6th graders learn about Israel, and through a special partnership with educators in Columbus' sister city, K'far Saba, students develop connections with Israeli peers through activities throughout the year. 6th graders also have a special annual retreat to bond as a class ahead of their B'nai Mitzvah year in 7th grade.
  • 7th Graders have a special Holocaust unit culminating in a visit to the Maltz Museum in Cleveland. 7th graders also can opt in for a special Madrichim in Training class to learn about being teacher aides (see right column)!

Confirmation: 10th Grade

Our 10th graders explore Jewish ethics, spirituality, and living Jewishly in the modern world. These classes help students bridge young adult Jewish learning with their burgeoning Jewish identity, which they affirm in an annual Confirmation service in May.

A Community of Learners