Want to get in on the fun and join our annual production? Contact Gail Rose via email or by phone at 614.855.4882.
Original Arrangement by TBS Musician, Nate Terry
TBS pianist, Nate Terry, has participated in our musical services since High Holy Days 5782. He is an active composer, arranger, and owner of a Publishing Company.
Previous to working with TBS, Nate was unfamiliar with Jewish music, but has since been captivated by the melodies, modes, feelings, and spirituality that the music induced. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s Return Again has particularly resonated with Terry.
With permission from Neshama Carlebach, the rabbi’s daughter, nate has created a choral arrangement for “Return Again.”
CLICK HERE to listen to the Major 7 Singers perform "Return Again."
Each moth of Adar, Religious School students, teachers, and members of the TBS community join forces to present a Purim Speil (Purim Play). This wild and crazy retelling of the Biblical story of Queen Esther and how she saved the Jewish people has used various themes for the retelling.
Themes have included Star Wars, Broadway, The Beatles, and more! Our congregation is completely involved in the story by booing Haman, participating in a costume parade, and singing along with the catchy tunes.
On the third Friday of each month, TBS welcomes Shabbat with our monthly Shabbat Chai service, a toe-tapping, lively musical event featuring our Shabband! The group is a collection of musicians who enjoy jamming and leading Erev Shabbat services together.
Shabband members include well-known, local violinist Arkaidy Gips (who was featured on Madonna’s “Sticky and Sweet" World Tour!), vocalists, Gail Rose and Nicole Sanfilippo, vocalists & guitarists, Rabbi Benjy, Angelo Dunlap, and Marc Rossio, percussionist, Scott Roth, upright bassist and vocalist, Nick Ciranni, and flutist, Cheri Papier.
Interested in joining the Shabband? Contact Rabbi Benjyvia email or at 614-855-4882.
The earliest synagogue music was based on the same system that was used in the Temple in Jerusalem. Biblical and contemporary sources mention to the harp, Iyre, Shofar, trumpet, drum, cymbal, bell, and flute as instruments that were used in the Ancient Temple.
According to the Mishna, the regular Temple orchestra consisted of 12 instruments, and a choir of 12 male singers. A later, now traditional, mode of singing prayers in the synagogue was introduced to Europe in the 7th century, then rapidly developed. This mode is often known as hazzanut, "the art of being a hazzan (cantor)," which requires melodious intonation and vocal agility.
Our adult choir sings during High Holy Day services, for the popular Veterans Shabbat in November, Broadway Shabbat, and during various other Erev Shabbat services throughout the year. Additionally, The Sharyonim choir hosts one additional guest choir for a special performance in the spring.
If you are interested in singing with Sharyonim, please reach out to Gail Rose via email or 614-855-4882.
At TBS, we use traditional methods of filling our worship services and celebrations with music. Temple Beth Shalom’s Music Director, Gail Rose, is a long-time music educator and has been our Cantorial Soloist since 2008. Gail, along with an accompanist, provides the Cantorial music for Shabbat, high Holy Days, and Lifecycle Events.
Accompanists include guitarists, Nick Ciranni or Marc Rossio; or pianists, Scot Ashton, Orlay Alonso, Nate Terry, or Merry Pruitt.
On Erev Yom Kippur, we invite cellist and TBS Member, Leon Friedberg, to play Kol Nidre.