
5089 Johnstown Rd New Albany OH 43054 US

For more information about the Online Catalog, becoming a Library Committee Member, or additional questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the library, contact Steve Seeskin at (614) 446-9272.

Library Hours

The TBS Library is open during regular temple office hours of Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at other times the synagogue is open, as well as before and after services.

The Kosher Bookworm

Library Committee members give you the rundown on what's new and exciting in the TBS Library!

​Need a recommendation?             Click here for a list of books read by the TBS Book Circle!

Using the Online Catalog

To use our electronic catalog, you simply enter the following TBS Library web address into any web browser: 


There is no need to sign in, no user name and no password. While you are at it, go ahead and bookmark the address on your web accessible device for your future reference.

To search for a book, complete the small input box “Search this library” located near the top right of the screen. You can enter any of the following: title, author, or tag value. Next to this entry is a menu selection; it is recommended you select “All fields” and then click on “Search.” All cataloged volumes meeting your search criterion will then appear in the next window. You can locate the book on the library shelves by its tag number. Those volumes not having a tag number have been cataloged but not yet assigned a tag number and shelved.

To browse the library catalog more generally, you can sort the catalog by clicking on any one of the catalog’s column heading, for example, "Title." This will sort the entire catalog by title. To change to descending sorted order, merely click on the column header again.

Open to All Congregants

The TBS Library Committee, comprised of Susan Bader, Marty Schuster, Roger Benjamin and Steve Seeskin (committee chairperson), welcome and thank you for visiting the Temple Beth Shalom Library! The congregation library collection of over 2,000 books having Jewish content is open to all congregants.

Located on the upper level near the elevator and behind the sanctuary, the library is open during all times TBS is open. When you find a book you want to borrow, check it out using the honor system – simply write the book title, your name and date into the sign out book located to the left of the library door. Please put returned books on the stand next to the sign out book.

To help you locate books in the TBS Library, the committee has substantially cataloged and entered our collection in the LibraryThing.com public web site. We are using the Elazar Jewish Classification System for book tagging during the cataloging and shelving process. All nonfiction books are given a tag of an optional “j” indicating it is in our juvenile collection, followed by a number (sometimes including decimal values) indicating main content, followed by three uppercase letters (usually the first three letters of the first listed author’s last name). 

      The high-level Elazar classification categories are:

            001 – 099:  Bible and Biblical Studies
            100 – 199:  Classical Judaica; Halakhah and Midrash
            200 – 299:  Jewish Observance and Practice
            300 – 299:  Jewish Education
            400 – 499:  Hebrew, Jewish Languages, and Sciences
            500 – 599:  Jewish Literature
            600 – 699:  The Jewish Community: Society and Arts
            700 – 799:  Jewish History, Geography, and Biography
            800 – 899:  Israel and Zionism
            900 – 999:  General Works

Elazar catalog numbers within these ranges represent a cataloging subject matter breakdown similar to the way the Dewey Decimal Classification System does as a tagging mechanism in most secular libraries. Decimal numbers are sometimes used to provide an even more granular subject matter refinement.

Our fiction collection is given a tag comprised of an optional “j” indicating it is in our juvenile collection, followed by “Fic” for fiction, followed by three uppercase letters (usually the first three letters of the first listed author’s last name).

The TBS Library also houses the complete 45 pamphlet series, LifeLIghts. These pamphlets offer professionally developed Jewish advice and lists of additional resources that might be of interest. These are offered to congregants at no charge, although a small donation to the Library Fund would of course help to ensure these resources remain available.

The Library Committee continues its work-in-process effort of making our library more usable for all congregants. The committee meets once a month on a Sunday between 10 AM and Noon. Also, please consider donating your Jewish content books by leaving them in the library on the stand to the inside left of the door. Finally, consider specifying the Library Fund when making monetary donations to TBS for appreciation, congratulations, and memorial.